Friday, July 15, 2011

The Beauty of Crooked Teeth

All over the world I know I'm not the only one being conscious with my crooked teeth. So, let me share my story and I hope it would cheer you up wherever you are. :)

A while ago we went to a dentist to have a little checkup. A wisdom tooth is growing and it really hurts. The dentist suggest that I take an x-ray so she could see what actually the problem is and know the next step for my teeth. While I was there, the dentist said that I could have braces so it could fix my crooked teeth (I'm quiet underbite and my upper front teeth are not well aligned). At that moment, I felt really really sad, knowing that I couldn't have them and that I have to bear with this teeth until I get a job (which means, I have to wait for 2 more years unless my parents change their minds and let me have braces). I know its just a small thing but I've been teased by some of my friends, they would sometimes tell me, "You look like you're missing a tooth" or "You know what? You're smile's actually annoying". Then they would laugh, I would just smile or sometimes laugh with them too, but it actually hurts to hear from people that the way I could cheer up others actually annoys them. OUCH!
I actually believe that the only way to fix this are braces (Yeah, I know it's pretty expensive that's why my parents were thinking if I should have 'em). Well physically... Yeah, that's the only way but I guess there's another way to fix it. Hmmmm... Maybe if we could just accept it, then it won't bother us anymore, right? I must admit that accepting something in you that you don't want is really hard. But don't worry, Psalm 18:30 reads, As for God, His way is perfect. Never ever forget that, no matter what you're going through. OK, I know you're thinking, "But my teeth are crooked, how would I look beautiful?" or "His way is the only thing perfect, not me!" OK, just stop thinking about those things. We're all unique. Think about it, what if all of us look the same? (I guess you won't appreciate that, me neither!) God made you different because He wants to express a different kind of beauty, beauty that only flourishes when you're so close to Him. Meaning, you need Him. Isn't that great? :D

Well, whatever insecurities you may have, remember that it could be a tool for others to remember you, like "The girl with squinty, smiling eyes" or "The person with heroic feet". Your uniqueness actually improves something about you, take for example, if you're not that blessed with enormous height, it makes you look younger. Just always think of an adjective that will best suit you and make you feel more confident.

AND always pray about it, tell the Creator what you actually feel, ask Him to help you accept His gifts. A person accepts the King's gifts cheerfully, glows with a handsome and beautiful radiance.

The way you accept your uniqueness can give you a unique living of life. :)